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Recently Signed Champions

  • Michael Adams

    Michael Adams

    After 20 years of doing HVAC for a paycheck, I’ve moved to commercial and after listening to a few podcasts. I have started training again. And helping out those around me and on social media.

  • dominick parente

    dominick parente

    Being above the industry standard

  • Ryan J Mattox

    Ryan J Mattox

    Sizing systems correctly and installing with honor!

  • Greg the Great Steger

    Greg the Great Steger

    Better for our customers. Better for our Business’s. Better for the Industry.

  • Ed LaFontaine

    Ed LaFontaine

    Better living

  • Pete Arkesteyn

    Pete Arkesteyn

    As an trades instructor I hear many stories of great, good, marginal, adequate, crappy, horrendous and everything in between. I see bad practices being handed down from journeyperson to apprentice. I would like to see a trade wide increase in pride of workmanship. I have so much to learn also, and would like that knowledge

  • Silas Mentzer

    Silas Mentzer

    It means running a business where we prioritize comfort, quality, reliability and energy efficiency with very few call backs leading to happy customers.

  • Heriberto Beltran

    Heriberto Beltran

    It means that I am not alone in this world; where greed, dishonesty and bad HVAC practice prevail. It gives me hope.

  • Steven Lavergne

    Steven Lavergne

    Learn more do better.

  • A. Tapia

    A. Tapia

    Share knowledges and experiences like service fields…