Add Your Business To The BetterHVAC Contractor Directory
To elevate and promote residential HVAC contracting businesses who leverage science, data, and ethical business practices to service households and businesses across North America.
There is a distinct lack of independent industry resources which allow homeowners to find contractors who are practicing BetterHVAC principals. This is inspired by the “HVAC Installers Who Use Science!” list maintained by The Building Performance Workshop, as well as Bill Spohn’s idea for an Ethical Contractor Directory.
Only BetterHVAC Champions that both work in HVAC companies and who have committed to The BetterHVAC Declaration by signing The BetterHVAC Pledge.
Yes, but it may take a bit of time for us to make the editing tool available to all users.
After you’ve submitted the form, your listing will be available on the BetterHVAC Contractor Directory Page.