The BetterHVAC Movement

Join us to accelerate change in our industry.

What Is BetterHVAC?

It’s a social hashtag.

It’s a social movement.

It’s social accountability.

It’s a website with useful tools.

It’s a doorway to discover a better way.

Bryon Lucas

Contributing insights and better understanding for every installation and repair project so the next technician can be the best person for the job and never feel bad for asking questions to confirm and understand what they are encountering or simply showing them where and how to proceed to find the information they need. It’s all about passing it along. Also I’ve said this before and probably will again to a younger technician, the equipment you work on is not yours, you’re only called to get it running properly and make the system work the way it was designed. So you will never know exactly how to install or repair it but you will know the right people to ask for help.

David Richardson

BetterHVAC to me means equipping the industry to better serve our customers and provide measured solutions centered on the principles of safety, health, comfort, efficiency, and economy.

John Whitehead

To me better HVAC means meeting or exceeding the standards of the law and our industry. This is only possible by taking accurate measurements and properly interpreting the data. BetterHVAC breaks down the old rules of thumb and replaces them with true measurements, thus providing every client with the best we have to offer and letting them choose how they wish to proceed.

Dan Wildenhaus

Promoting transparency, integrity, collaboration, and excellence in the HVAC R industry. It’s about continuing to learn and to teach recommended practices and an innovative spirit!

Susan Dunn

It means I do the best job while using the technology available to maintain efficient safe systems.

Andrew Zemzik

Doing away with the bad name we sometimes get due to inexperienced installers or techs with no integrity giving good quality trust worthy installers and techs a bad name.

Amplify Better.

The BetterHVAC Movement represents a groundbreaking initiative, propelling the residential HVAC industry towards a future of excellence and innovation. It calls upon professionals to rise above current standards and actively shape the industry’s future.

Our Vision

To forge a unified community within the HVAC industry, committed to unparalleled professionalism and ongoing advancement.

Our Mission

To empower HVAC professionals through lifelong learning, dedication to excellence, and active participation in industry evolution.

Learn More About the Movement

Deep Dive Into BetterHVAC

A few BetterHVAC Champions had the opportunity to discuss BetterHVAC live at the HVACR Training Sympsium.

Find a BetterHVAC Event

We schedule regular virtual meetups, and are building a list of all industry events related to residential HVAC, building science, and home performance.

Stay In Touch

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